I’m impressed. What a great journal!
The Maisie Lane Co journal ends up being cheaper than many of competitors just by virtue of having more pages (192), and I find sometimes you need those extra pages just to get you through to the end of the year (we all like a fresh start in the New Year don’t we??).
The journal has a lovely look and feel, and it’s a nice touch that you can pay extra to get up to two lines of text on the front cover in a range of embossed foiled fonts. There’s something special about having your name on the cover! The 160gsm paper is very smooth, there’s no markings apart from the dot grid and the owner’s page, and there is no pen loop. There is an elastic, so you could always put your pen through that. This is quite a thick and heavy journal, which I suspect is because of the plush cover. I’m a bit nervous about how soft the cover is, so I might get a protective cover before I start carrying it around, because I don’t want to damage it.
The company doesn’t have a lot of environmental information about the journal, but it does have very minimal packaging, including an unbleached storage box in Kraft card.
I bought my journal directly from Maisie Lane, not realising that in Australia they’re available from WashiGang for a lot cheaper because you’re not covering the huge shipping cost from the USA.
The One Minute review has a summary of the key positives and negatives of the journal and my in-depth review video looks at the construction of the journal, the quality of the paper, interesting information about the company, and includes a pen test of a full range of pens and watercolour paints. See my pen test page for an explanation of each test.
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