Disclaimer: Before I start, I’d like to point out that I search for information about the company, test the journal and prepare my review before reading any journal reviews by other users and creators. I base my opinion on my experience of ordering and receiving and using the journal, so if I get a journal with an issue, I don’t exchange it and base my review on my initial experience, because that was my experience as a genuine buyer of a product. Because of shipping costs from Australia, I tend not to return products unless they are unusable anyway!
Journal review: I used my Nuuna by Brandbook notebook as my 2023 journal. I like the extra space of the page that is slightly larger than an A5 but not quite a B5 size and while the uncoated paper has been great for use with coloured pencils, I’ve had to stick to fine-nibbed fountain pens. There’s a fair bit of feathering and inks and watercolour paints sometimes bleed through. The 3.5mm grid is much smaller than I’m used to and I don’t have tiny handwriting, so that’s another reason for using a fine nib.
I wish the paper had been better because Brandbook has an impressive environmental sustainability record. They have lots of information about their paper on their website, as does Arctic Paper about their paper mills and processes.
The journal review discusses the company and their products, the packaging of the journal, features of the journal, construction, the paper and my innovative pen test, and the company’s approach to social and environmental responsibility. See my pen test page for an explanation of each test.
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