To-do list transformation
This time I read To-do list transformation by Henry Bergen. This book helped me form my approach for goal setting and task management in 2022, with a few tweaks based on some other books I’ve… To-do list transformation
This time I read To-do list transformation by Henry Bergen. This book helped me form my approach for goal setting and task management in 2022, with a few tweaks based on some other books I’ve… To-do list transformation
My reading notes from the book by Daniel Walter There are so many books out there about how to improve your productivity, all with their own theories on what will work best. For this reason,… How to stop procrastinating
How I reviewed my morning and evening schedules, found a fast way to do daily spreads, and got things done Sometimes we get so much to do that we can’t decide what to do, end… Miracle morning review
As soon as I heard about a Level 10 Life I wanted to try it. Hal Elrod coined the phrase in his book The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits that will Transform Your Life before… Level 10 Life
My Miracle Morning was going well during April 2021 but it was clear that if I was a bit late in the morning or missed a day altogether, it was usually because I’d been up… My Enhanced Evening
Read about how I’ve used Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning to start my day more effectively!